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I. Selection of materials When the harvest is yellow, the leaves are yellow, the head is large, the meat is white, the insects are free, and there is no mechanical damage. As the raw material, the garlic with small head, petal disease and pests or mechanical damage is removed.
Second, soak the selected garlic washed with water, peeled off the split, and then soaked in cold water for about 1 hour, remove the leather, pick up the garlic, drain the remaining water.
2. Beating The garlic cloves that have been drained are placed in a beater or a pulverizer for pulverization and beating. When beating, add 1/3 of the water to the garlic cloves; after beating, filter the slurry with roving to remove the residual leather and other debris.

Dehydrated garlic powder
Dehydrated garlic powder

3, There are several methods for dehydration: 1. The fine cloth can be pressed to remove water like pressed tofu; 2. The water can be squeezed to remove water; 3. The centrifuge can be used for sugar, with a speed of 12,000 rpm. Left and right, centrifuge to remove water. But the general requirement is to quickly remove the water at a time, and not delay the time, in order to prevent the taste of the garlic from affecting the quality. At the same time, the tool must be rinsed out immediately after use to avoid odors in the next use.
4. Drying The wet garlic powder that has been dehydrated is immediately placed on the baking tray, and then the baking tray is placed in the baking room for baking. The drying room should be kept at a constant temperature of about 50 °C, and it should be baked for about 5 hours.
5. Crushing The dried garlic powder is crushed by a pulverizer and sieved with a fine sieve to make the garlic powder evenly in the form of fine flour, which is dehydrated garlic powder.
The above is the production process of dehydrated garlic powder. If there is a need for vegetable processing machinery, please leave your mailbox and we will know your needs and plan.